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Optimization and Analysis

Filtration optimisation: testing under actual process conditions in lab

The filtration market is constantly developing and innovations in filtration processes are the logical result. By maintaining an overview of these developments and innovations, our consultancy goes far beyond the provision of practical laboratory services by also offering the best processes currently available for any application.

Such applications might concern conversion to a different, more efficient filtering method or rectifying problems in your current filtration process. The general rule is "it's best to test".
With our support, this is always possible because we constantly have, on hand, a range of testing equipment and filtering materials.

With our support, this is always possible because we constantly have, on hand, a range of testing equipment and filtering materials. Contaminated raw materials, deviations from production and laboratory results or products that have generated particles over time (e.g. flocculation, gels, hazing): using our mobile testing equipment such as the Labo XS, the Junior or the BIBO filter housing, we can be ready within 24-hours – when necessary – to install test rigs, perform tests and recommend solutions on-site at your laboratories and in your presence.

And you will of course be able to rely on our expertise in implementing the solutions.

Filter Testing Hardware


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